Breaking News:
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
JNE Plans To Buy Freighter For Domestic
National courier provider JNE (Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir) is planning to order freighters for domestic routes as it sees a promising domestic market in the future. JNE is one of national leading courier concentrating on express delivery service. To realize its vision to become an international class company, having owned assets, including freighters, as well as the system to satisfy customers, are on target. Edi Santoso, JNE Operation Director expects the plan to be realized in the next five years. "We hope for a soon realization. But in view the facts that it needs a longer time to order while on the same time we have to follow the existing regulations, I hope realization in the next five years is rational," said Edi. "Further, exact calculation relating to its aspect of business is another consideration," he added. Before realizing the plan, JNE should also firstly set up target of routes and destination for the freighter service, thus creating efficiency. "No, on behalf of direction board, we are still finalizing the plan," the man who worked for TIKI earlier told Cargo Times+ recently. He explained that the domestic market of express service is so promising, but no one of domestic provider has taken risk to invest within the sector. He said the domestic airlines, both private and state owned, are still focusing on passenger business, and no one has invested in cargo. One factor is due to imbalance between cargo in bound and out bound, thus creating high cost. "For example, we go to Manokwari with load factor reaching 40 ton. This is good, of course. But, it is not good for business whenever there much less tonnage from Manokwari," commends Edi. These are factors why JNE has to clearly analyze before realizing this plan. If the analysis finds that in view of business it will not give benefits, the plan might be postponed. Recently, most of JNE shipment still relied on several domestic airlines that serving the routes to the cargo destinations. The airlines include Garuda Indonesia, Batavia Air, Sriwijaya Air, Lion Air, and Mandala Air.(YS)
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