Breaking News:
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Add Cargo Space
In 2011, Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport at Palembang city plans to increase the capacity of cargo terminal. The statement was said by General Manager of Airport Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, Yon Sugiono to Cargo Times+ (CT+) recently. "But although the plan to develop cargo space is planned in 2011, its implementation to date of the facilities have been improved,"said Yon to CT+ reporter. Some of the facilities to support the cargo movement that have been started by the airport management, which will host the 2011 South East Asian (SEA) Games, including the addition forklift and some pickup vehicles (transport of goods), which is currently still have a barriers to the consignee. "We will provide pick up vehicles (carrier) for receiving cargo at the airport. Because now we see, to carry or take goods was difficult to find a car carriers,"he said. According to him, the provision of car transporters per unit only requires Rp 150 million, while forklift Rp 125 - 200 million per unit. Based on the Cargo Times record, the airport of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II is a new airport and cargo traffic have on order at number six, or insignificant traffic growth among all airports managed by PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero), such as Soekarno - Hatta (Jakarta), Polonia (Medan), Sultan Syarif Kasim II (Pekanbaru), Supadio (Pontianak), Minangkabau (Padang). This occurs because the carrier transportation or pick up at the airport serve or receive shipment only for urgent goods. "For a large tonnage or not too urgent transportation, generally using land transportation, because the distance from the Jakarta city to Palembang is not so long," he said further.(YS)
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