Breaking News:
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Cardig Air: Ready To Strengthen Boeing 737-300
Cardig Air, will purchase gradually another two Boeing 737-300s (B737-300) in 2011. This was stated by Akbar Masmardi, Head of Corporate Communication of Cardig Air, to the Cargo Times+ (CT) in his office in Alia Building. According to him, the two special cargo fleets will be arrived after some conversion process; the first fleet will be in March 2011, and the second fleet will be in August 2011. Each cargo fleet has capacity for 17 tonnes and is ideal to do two hours flight. He, who used to work for a national media before sitting in his current position, said the plan to purchase the two fleets is to strengthen the current routes. Moreover based on Cardig Air's management graphic the market demand for those routes is growing positively. The routes that were mentioned by Akbar are Jakarta - Singapore - Bangkok - Hanoi. It is to make the market potencies in those routes can be done by the Cardig Air maximally. As we have known, currently, the Cardig Air has had two cargo fleets of B737-300 already, and they fly to principal routes, Jakarta - Singapore reroutes for 5 times a week and Singapore - Balikpapan reroutes for 2 times a week. "I am seeing the market potency in cargo carriage is becoming more wriggled. I am optimist, in line with the upcoming arrival of those two Boeing fleets, that they can give positive contribution in cargo business and reach the target based on business plan that has been planned by the Cardig Air," Akbar said to CT.(ayos)
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