Breaking News:
Sunday, 1 May 2011
EU Revoked Flight Banned List Of Indonesian Cargo Flight Companies

After the meeting, European Union Civil Flight Authority (EU-CFA) in its Official Journal of the European Union (EU) in Brussels on 19 April 2011 had been revoked list of 17 flight companies which forbid flying to and in aerial territories of EU due to safety improvement.
From the list that has been revoked by EU-CFA, four Indonesian cargo flight companies i.e. PT. Cardig, PT Air Maleo, Asia Link and Republik Express (RPX) are included.
These four Indonesian cargo flight companies had been revoked due to negotiation of General Directorate Air Transportation - Transportation Ministry with EU-CFA before court on April 2100
Indonesian Government asking these four companies to be excluded from the list of flight banned in EU since these companies do not have necessity with EU, do not fly in and out in aerial territories of EU and do not carry cargo related to European.
Eventhough, Cardig, Air Maleo, Asia Link and Republik Express are already excluded from the list but these companies do not mean automatically fullfiling flight safety standard EU.
Based on the latest list of EU-CFA, ten national airlines companies have been excluded from the list of EU flight banned i.e. Garuda Indonesia, Airfast Indonesia, Mandala Airlines, Ekspres Transportasi Antabenua, Indonesia Air Asia and Metro Batavia due to fullfiling flight safety standard EU including four companies that just been revoked.
EU prohibited 51 Indonesian airlines companies since 6 July 2007 related to to flight safety issue in Indonesia.
EU-CFA officially revoked flight prohibition towards Garuda Indonesia, Mandala Airlines, Airfast and Premi Air after the meeting of Indonesian Government with European Commision on 14 July 2009.
Afterwards in 2010, Indonesian Government (General Directorate of Air Transportation) proposed the EU to revoke the flight banned for Batavia Air, Indonesia AirAsia, and Lion Air. On 22 June 2010, EU had decidec that only Batavia Air and Indonesia AirAsia were excluded from the flight banned prohibition.
The Indonesian Transportation Ministry will keep attemting to revoke Indonesian airline companies from the list of EU flight banned through fullfiling EU flight safety standard and also negotiating due to the non-operational route of European territory.
Herry Bhakti, General Directorate of Air Transportation, once stated that revoking procedures of flight banned to EU was complicated since involving 27 countries member. Secondly, when Indonesian national airlines will fly to EU, this airlines has to face several audit from Indonesian Government and also local government in European destination country.
Next, Indonesian government will be preparing the list of airlines that will be revoked from the flight banned in Commission Meeting EU on July 2011.(mar/various source)
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