Breaking News:
Friday, 13 July 2012
Revision On RA Regulation To Avoid Monopoli Practice And To Increase Company Performance
The Transportation Ministry will make revision on Decree: SKEP 255/IV/2011 about Post and Cargoes Safety carried by Air Flight. One of the new changes in stipulation that will be released by the General Directorate of Transportation Ministry is air flight should has authority to appoint inspection agent (Regulated Agent) as the operator for security service.
"The General Directorate of Air Transportation is preparing substitute regulation SKEP 255/IV/2011 about the pos and cargoes security check carried by plane that will be issued and released in the near time," said the Head of the Transportation Ministry Public Communication, Bambang S. Ervan in Jakarta, recently.
The changes, said Bambang, was based on the recommendation of small team that has members like Aviation Transportation General Directorate, Courier Companies and national aviation airlines represented by INACA (Indonesia National Air Carriers Association).
Thus, by the changes, there won"t be monopoly and push inspection agents to increase services. The Transportation Ministry is the agent to conduct inspection in issuing a permit.
According to Bambang, the responsibility of examination is in airlines done by inspection agents. The airline will, of course, examine based on the inspection agent companies capability in doing good's examination. It's because the safety of an airplane depends on inspection agents' capability in doing goods' examination.
Currently, the Transportation Ministry is in the middle to work on inspection agents' tariff formula. Thus, it will be an agreement base to determine the tariff. "It will be our reference to determine tariff," he said.
Up to the present, goods owner may appoint directly which agent they want to use.
So far, there has been 10 inspection agents own operational permit, they are: 1. PT Duta Angkasa Semesta, 2. PT Fajar Anugerah Semesta, 3. PT Ghita Avia Trans, 4. PT Birotika Semesta, 5. PT Pajajaran Global Service, 6. PT Angkasa Pura II, 7. PT Wahana Senareksa, 8. PT Surveyor Indonesia, 9. PT Cardig Garda Utama, 10. PT Angkasa Pura Logistik.
Based on this revision, an airline may be able to choose a regulated agent that meet their criteria.(mar)
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