Breaking News:
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Airlines Responsibility Over Damages and Lost of Cargo

13 April 20013, at 15.10 pm (07.10 UTC), a B737-800 of Lion Air's with its flight code JT 904 PK-LKS, route Bandung - Denpasar got an accident by making emergency landing at Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. All passengers were safe.
8 May 2013, another tragedy with a national flight that the cargoes were on fire during the unloading process at Wamena Airport, Jayawijaya.
Nusantara Air Carter with registration code of PK-JKC, type BAE 146-200QT Quiet Trader C/N E2113, according to an official source that the flight were burned by the explosion of fuel cargoes.
We never expect bad things happened like this, and as a transportation users listed and registered as in the passengers / cargoes list may get their rights to get compensation as regulated in the Transportation Minister Regulation (PM) number 77 year 2011 about Airline's Responsibility that is replace by PM number 33 year 2011 regulates the compensation to passengers for accidents, damages, lost, and baggage.
This regulation is strengthened by the Law Number 33, 1994 on Insurance Budget for passenger in accidents.
Special for baggage or cargoes as in PM 77 / 2011, in point C said lost, vanish or damages of baggage:
1. Listed Baggage / if its containers lost or vanish - the compensation amount is Rp 200.00/kg and most at Rp 4.000.000 / passengers.
2. Listed Baggage is damaged - will be replaced with similar items as in types, form, size, and brands.
3. Carrier is responsible to give compensation as in money to passengers for the lost baggage until they find them - the compensation is Rp. 200.000/day. Maximum working days are 3 working calendar days.
With the additional notes and exceptions as follows:
a. The baggage is assumed lost if within 14 working days from the date and time of arrival at an airport still cannot be tracked/found;
b. Carrier will not be charged or responsible to the lost of baggage that is kept in the listed baggage except when a passenger can show or prove of valuable goods that a carrier agrees to keep them in their baggage.
c. A carrier may ask their passengers to get insurance for their own valuable luggage/cargoes.
In point D for the cargoes that are stated lost, damage or vanish, are:
1. Damage or vanished cargoes - will get compensation for Rp 100.000/kg
2. Half damage cargoes or fully damage cargoes - will get compensation for Rp 50.000/kg
3. If a passenger stated the value of his/her cargoes to a carrier in a Airway Bill (AWB) - will get compensation as much as the value stated in Airway Bill.
There are some exceptional notes as follows:
a. Cargoes are assumed lost after 14 working days since they arrive in the designated place/city.
b. If the cargoes carried by one or more transportation mode, a carrier will only be responsible over damages half or whole or over the lost during the flight.(mar/ad)
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