Breaking News:
Monday, 31 August 2015
Boeing, EVA Air Finalize Order for Five 777 Freighters
Boeing and EVA Air have finalized an order for five 777 Freighters.The order, valued at more than $1.5 billion at list prices, will represent the first 777 Freighters to join EVA Air's fleet, and the first to be delivered to a Taiwanese airline. Boeing first announced EVA Air's intent to order the five 777 Freighters at the 2015 Paris Air Show in June. The Taiwanese airline plans to use the new freighters to bolster its fleet on trans-Pacific and Asian routes in an effort to meet growing demand in the air cargo market. EVA Air currently operates more than 35 Boeing airplanes, including 20 777-300ERs. With 13 additional 777-300ERs on order - both direct purchased and leased - EVA will become one of the largest 777 operators in the world. The carrier plans to grow its operational twin-aisle fleet to more than 60 airplanes by the end of 2025. "We are pleased to be the first airline in Taiwan to introduce Boeing 777 freighters," EVA President Austin Cheng said in his remarks. "EVA participated in development of the Boeing 777-300ER and became a launch customer. We now fly 21 Boeing 777-300ERs and have 13 more on order. We have made the right choice as our experience with this aircraft's advanced technology and excellent performance indicates what we can expect from the Boeing 777 freighters. These freighters will be the backbone of our air cargo service for the next decade."
GO Ina

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