Breaking News:
Thursday, 9 June 2016
In order to improve the national flight safety from Dangerous Goods and inappropriate goods that don't suit with Air Loading Letter (SMU - Surat Muatan Udara), the Banten's Informatics, Communication and Transportation Body (Dishubkominfo) conducted socialization about the regulation of cargo security to the enterpreneurs who operate at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The security and safety socialization over cargoes and posts to air transportation service companies held for 2 days from 27-28 April at the Grand Serpong Hotel, Tangerang. The event was a joint venture with the Directorate General of Air Transportation through Directorate of Air Security, Ministry of Transportation. In that activity, the Banten's Dishubkominfo socialize the Transportation Minister Regulation Number 153 Year 2015 about Cargo and Posts Security and Supply Chain of Cargo and Post carried by Airplane. The base of the regulation is ICAO Annex Regulation 17 Chapter 4.6 (amendment 14) and PM Number 127 year 2015 about the National Flight Safety Program. Some important point in PM Number 153 year 2015 is determined that an individual and/or vehicles that would enter the Restricted Safety Zone (DKT - Daerah Keamanan Terbatas) and is related to the supply chain of cargoes and posts should hold entry pass. DKT that is related to the supply chain of cargoes and posts is located at airport zone, regulated agent and factory shippers. This is also applied for cargoes or posts that will enter the DKT at the airport and at the Regulated Agent's restricted safety zone should hold SMU. Cargoes and Posts that will enter Regulated Agent's DKT, factory shipper and Independent Surveyor should pass the safety check. Meanwhile, cargoes and posts that have been checked by the Regulated Agent or Factory Shipper and Independent Surveyor that will enter airport's DKT should go for safety control (safety check) conducted by the airport. Also attended as invited guests in the socialization event were the air transportation companies that office at the International Soekarno-Hatta Airport, like: PT Maskarindo Cargo, PT Emir Indonesia Persada, PT Prime Freight, PT Detato Mitraindo Buana, PT Star Express Indonesia, Yusen Logistics Indonesia, and others.(mar)
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