The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) would conduct on-site audit under its Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) in October, to review aviation safety standard in Indonesia.
A spokesman of Air Transportation Directorate of the Transportation Ministry, Agoes Soebagio said here, Wednesday (Aug 9), the audit is the continuation of the off-site audit conducted recently. Off-site audit is conducted online, by answering written questions from the auditors.
"For off-site audit, we have made corrective action plan, upload it, and then it will be checked on site related to evident and its implementation." Agoes said, the ICAOs auditor team is expected to conduct the on-site audit on October 10-18.
Currently, Indonesia has an audit score of 51, or increase from its previous score of 40, for its aviation safety standard. However, the score is expected to increase further to 65 and reach international standard.
"This will improve further. We have made serious preparation to meet the standard and tackle some findings. We should give evidence that the regulation is implemented when they check it on site."
Agoes noted that the audit played a significant role to improve international trust on the countrys airlines as well as implementation of the regulation. In aviation security standard, Indonesia has recorded a highest score of 94 in 2015.(
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