Breaking News:
Saturday, 25 November 2017
MAB Kargo operates third relief flight for Rohingya refugees

MAB Kargo has flown its third relief mission for the Rohingya refugees with almost 50 tonnes of goods to set up the Malaysian Field Hospital in the Cox’s Bazaar district of Bangladesh.

The medical equipment included supplies for emergencies and resuscitation, surgery, anaesthetics and intensive care unit treatment, orthopaedic procedures, labour room, basic neonatal care, paediatrics and preventive medication, as well as medical supplies for three months.

MAB Kargo chief executive officer, Ahmad Luqman Mohd Azmi says: “Knowing that our aircraft is flying life-saving equipment and medication for those truly in need is a humbling feeling. Part of our corporate social responsibility programme is to give back to the community in need and this flight is exactly about that.”

Malaysia Field Hospital chief technical planner, Colonel Dr Mohd Arshil bin Moideen says: “The whole process of planning, training and coordinating is done by the Malaysian Armed Forces, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the help of various local NGOs.

“It is great that the corporate sector is also involved. MAB Kargo’s CSR contribution via the logistics support is very much appreciated.”

The Malaysian Ministry of Health added in a statement that it was committed to providing healthcare services for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, saying: “MOH applauds the effort undertaken by MAB Kargo in transporting medical equipment and supplies to the Field Hospital to be set up by Ministry of Defense and MOH in Bangladesh today.”

The Airbus A330-200 Freighter, registration 9M-MUA, left Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 09.00h and landed in Chittagong at 10.30h local time.


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