Singapore Airlines Cargo (SIA Cargo) has successfully completed its most recent Cargo iQ audit by external auditing company SGS, and retains its certification as an accredited member.
“Our successful completion of this recertification audit serves as an added affirmation that we are using the Cargo iQ quality standards and processes in an effective manner to serve our customers. Achieving a perfect score on the audit is also a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team,” said Chin Yau Seng, Senior Vice President Cargo, Singapore Airlines.
“Maintaining high standards and consistently delivering on commitments to our customers continue to be our top priorities. Cargo iQ is an important enabler that helps us to sharpen our focus on systematically achieving these objectives.”
All full members are audited every three years to ensure they are aligned with Cargo iQ standards and specifications.
“Our audit is an essential part of being a Cargo iQ member and a useful tool to evaluate their quality management system,” said Ariaen Zimmerman, Executive Director, Cargo iQ.
“The audit is conducted in three-year cycles, and its standards are continuously evaluated to stay up-to-date and reflect the best practices in the air cargo industry, as well as provide full end-to-end transparency on the planning and progress of air cargo shipments.
“At Cargo iQ we are committed to continuous processes improvement in air cargo and the audits are a way to regularly review our members, as well as help us stay aligned with our latest quality standards, to ensure Cargo iQ delivers true value to its members and their air freight customers.”
SGS audited Singapore Airlines Cargo, which is based in Singapore.
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