Negatively impacted by Novel Coronavirus, currently, operation of international passenger has been drastically decreased, which in April especially, approximately 90% of the flights were suspended.
Under such circumstances, securing cargo space for international transportation is getting very severe in the whole market. In regard to air cargo transportation, demand of relief supplies, medical goods such as mask/protective clothing/test kit, etc. is strong, therefore maintaining supply chain is the social mission of ANA.
All Nippon Airways (ANA), for certain China routes, operates passenger flights with no passengers but only cargos in the belly space, and will further enhance transportation capacity by loading cargo on the passenger cabin in the future.
On April 10, handling check to load cargo in the overhead stowage (cabinet equipped above the seat to store hand baggage) of NH968 from Shanghai bound for Haneda was conducted.
Furthermore, loading cargo on passenger seats is now under consideration, planned to be introduced from Shanghai - Haneda route, sequentially expanding to other routes, as soon as loading procedures is fixed and Civil Aviation Bureau's approval acquired.
Menteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi terus mengkoordinasikan kesiapan Angkutan Lebaran (Angleb) 2025 dengan Kepala Daerah.
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