In relation with the anxiousness amongst people if Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) can be transmitted through packages, the Secretary of the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control - Indonesia Health Minister, Achmad Yurianto said that the novel corona virus (Covid-19) spread through goods considered very low.
He explained that the virus cannot be transmitted through inanimate objects. Principally, virus needs its parents. Yuri expressed his analogy, virus is like a parasite that needs an intermediary.
“Virus is an analog, just like a parasite on a tree. A parasite cannot live in a death tree, so that it needs living cells. In relation with goods, they are not living cells so the virus will die. So, it’s impossible the virus will be transmitted through goods or clothes. Thus, it doesn’t have to be over worried by the issue,” said Yuri.
To him, the things that we should concern of is to keep ourselves clean or hygienic, for example, we often forget to wash our hands when we touch our face or mouth.
“We should give consider our weak points. We do have spontaneous habits, every one minute we tend to touch our eyes, nose, and mouth at least 2 times. If our hands are dirty, so we feed something (bad) into our body,” said Yuri.
Therefore, he suggested people to keep and prioritize hygienic and healthy life to avoid corona virus transmission.
“We hope people would realize to have hygienic and healthy life. Wearing face mask to avoid virus and wash our hands with soap or antiseptic liquid in order to keep healthy,” he said.
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