Breaking News:
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Inauguration Flight of Citilink Freighter

A breakthrough is done by Citilink Indonesia (Citilink), an Indonesian airline, through the opening of cargo delivery services. The service is supported by a special cargo airplane (freighter) Boeing 737-500 that has conducted its inauguration flight (proving flight) on Tuesday (19/5).

The freighter is a modification of a Citilink’s passenger flight converted to become a cargo freight with load capacity up to 13 tons.

The conversion process of the plane was done at GMF AeroAsia and has passed the certification done by the Directorate of Airworthiness and Airplane Operation (Indonesian: DKPPU).

In the yesterday’s flight, Citilink freighter flew from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) to Batam (BTH) and Kualanamu (KNO), then flew back to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK).

The President Director of Citilink Indonesia, Juliandra said that the new breakthrough of Citilink is for its future challenge.

“Citilink did a breakthrough by providing a freighter to answer a challenge and an opportunity in logistics market that is growing today and in the future,” said Juliandra.

The freighter will start to operate in June and carry cargoes to domestic routes and to Asia regions.

“Citilink hope through the operation of its freighter will give contribution for significant additional income besides the main income from passengers,” closed Juliandra.

Author: Eko Nugroho
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