Over the course of a week, Chapman Freeborn Germany transported over 204 tonnes (1,400 CBM) of cargo from Germany to Namibia to aid in the fight against COVID-19.
The cargo, which comprised of vital supplies including face masks, gowns and gloves, was transported in an A340 passenger aircraft that had its seats removed so it could be used as a freighter.
Charter Broker, Jan Körber explained, “During the summer holiday season in Germany most airports are crowded and understaffed. It was a big challenge to find an airport that was able to handle all of the flights in a row. Paderborn Lippstadt Airport (PAD) was able to support this and meet all our expectations”.
“By involving our local office in Johannesburg and our Operation department in the UK, we ensured a smooth operation with constant flight monitoring the entire time,” said Martin Ziegler, Senior Manager Charter Broker.
Chapman Freeborn staff supervised the handling at Paderborn and even helped to stack over 23,000 boxes onboard.
Since the start of the pandemic, Chapman Freeborn has delivered thousands of tonnes of life-saving PPE and medical equipment all over the world.
Tren wisata open trip dan desa wisata tidak hanya mengangkat potensi pariwisata, tapi juga menumbuhkan usaha lokal, mulai oleh-oleh, kuliner, dan cinderamata.
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