CT: What kind of preparation that J&T is doing or has done to anticipate the increase of delivery during the upcoming Ramadhan month (in April)?
Robin Lo: We always make anticipation of delivery traffic increase in every peak season and prepare some additions like tools, human resources, fleets, and warehouse expansion when needed. We have prepared all of these since two months ago so when the Ramadhan arrives, we have been fully prepared to accommodate the spring of delivery.
The anticipations are not only from transportation and operational, but we also prepare the readiness of human resources in terms of self-discipline and work maximally. In this pandemic season, J&T Express prioritize all employees’ health and conveniences in the abnormal situation, where every employee works by following the health protocols to keep customers’ convenience when they receive their package(s).
By making anticipation and implementing health protocols, J&T is expected to be able to give their best services for consumers in Indonesia.
CT: Based on the company’s analyses, what will cause the delivery during Ramadhan month to increase?
Robin Lo: Every peak season the traffic increase always happens, both due to special promo offered by the marketplaces and the needs that soars ahead of (religious) holidays like Ramadhan period where people buy new clothes or other needs.
It is reckoned deliveries from e-commerce transaction will still dominate during the Ramadhan to Eid-ul Fitr. The demands on delivery that are estimated leap would be the effect of the government regulations to suggest people to work from home by following the “3M plus 2M” health protocol - stay away from the crowd (Menjauhi kerumunan), and, limit mobilization and interaction (Membatasi mobilisasi dan interaksi).
Moreover, the tradition to welcome Eid-ul Fitr relates to shopping euphoria. Thus, online shopping from all marketplaces will be busy by the flood of purchasing that might need delivery services.
CT: What big cities in Indonesia that might experience soars of delivery in Ramadhan month?
Robin Lo: Generally the cities in Java Island for the people who live in big cities in Java island including the surrounding areas that support the big cities (Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and others), make online transactions more often even though in normal days and in peak seasons.
CT: Can you specify the items that are often delivered in Ramadhan?
Robin Lo: For the category of most frequently shipped goods, we follow the transaction data that occurs in e-commerce. Because our shipments so far have been more numerous and dominated by packages from e-commerce.
Usually the categories of items that are mostly bought are fashion, footwears, gadgets, electronics, and various accessories (beauty, automotive, gadgets, etc.)
CT: In 2019 Ramadhan, J&T Express presented the Campaign Super Ramadhan. Can you explain about the campaign? Will the campaign be presented again in Ramadhan 2021?
Robin Lo: Campaign Super Ramadhan in 2019 was held to assure people that J&T Express still give the most maximum services in Ramadhan with Super Cepat, Super Aman, Super 365 hari, and Super Coverage to all over Indonesia.
Every year, we have different and interesting campaigns. However, for this year, we cannot tell you yet.
CT: In Ramadhan month, many people/groups/companies do kindest things to others. What activities that J&T Express initiate to show care to others, internally and externally?
Robin Lo: Actually J&T Express itself does humanitarian action not only during Ramadan. Whenever there is a need, indeed, we will carry out social activities for those in need, such as victims of the natural disaster that occurred earlier this year, we provided a number of helps (aids) to the several affected cities.
For example, last year, where the medical team struggled at the beginning of the pandemic, we invited the public to contribute to the iftar feeding program for the medical team with the #jntikankebaikan campaign program.
CT: During the Covid 19 pandemic, the Government imposed PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) in Java & Bali regions. Does it affect the delivery of packages or goods?
Robin Lo: At the beginning of the pandemic period, of course there were obstacles in shipping because many accesses were closed. However, it did not have a big impact because it can be handled by other alternative transportations, by air and land. Currently all shipments are processed normally without any problems.
CT: Is J&T Express optimistic that Indonesia’s economy will begin to improve again by the national vaccination program and the upcoming Eid Al-Fitr (in May)?
Robin Lo: Seeing the current improvement in economic conditions, of course we are optimistic that in the future it can run normally again. J&T Express itself, as a logistics company, from the beginning, has committed to give delivery services without off, and has shown its contribution to give services to people’s needs, including supporting economic turnover through package delivery from online selling and buying transactions.
However, it seems the condition will not return to normal quickly, but gradually. It will take some times so we predicted that the transaction will not soar like last years’ Ramadhan, before the pandemic.
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