CT: During this pandemic, do you have any special strategies for Angkasa Pura Kargo (APK) to maintain its main businesses?
Gautsil: If we talk about the Corona pandemic in 2020, the air cargo industry also got a negative impact especially in May 2020. However, the air cargo business didn’t really have a significant impact compared to other industries.
Based on the movement data, the cargo itself was fortunate enough to only experience a 14% decline. At the same time, the movement of aircraft on domestic routes has decreased by 40%, while international routes have decreased by 63% compared to 2019.
This negative trend also occurred in passenger movements, which decreased significantly by up to 60% compared to 2019.
As a strategic effort to improve performance in the midst of a pandemic, APK is now starting to try to expand its business. This is started with the exploration and execution of several freight forwarding businesses. So that it is hoped that these steps can mutually support one another’s business so that the company’s performance can exceed the previous year.
CT: 2021 can be said as the year of vaccine transport. Is APK involved by the Government for the distribution process?
Gautsil: Until now, APK itself still cannot confirm the involvement of the distribution of the Covid-19 Vaccine in Indonesia. However, if we see a logistics business perspective, the vaccine distribution plan will certainly have a positive impact on the movement of air cargo. Based on this, APK is now preparing all forms of supporting facilities and infrastructure in all branches of APK’s Cargo Terminal if later involved in the vaccine distribution process, considering vaccines are a type of item that requires special handling.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) itself has published standard guidelines for the air cargo industry in handling the vaccine distribution process. IATA itself has collaborated with several leading authorities and organizations as well as global humanitarian agencies, such as ICAO, UNICEF, WFP, WHO, IFPMA, PAHO, WCO, WTO, FIATA, UK Civil Aviation Authority - Aviation Security, and the World Bank to respond to this social interests.
Angkasa Pura Kargo as part of Angkasa Pura II Group will, of course, comply with IATA standard guidelines or guidelines that have been determined by regulators or officials. So that the plan for vaccine distribution in the country is expected to run smoothly and according to procedures.
CT: In this pandemic, many companies “have to be forced” to shift some activities to online media or digitalization. Does APK do the same?
Gautsil: Trying to adjust to the new habits in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, PT Angkasa Pura Kargo is also trying to reduce office activities and maximize all types of work through online media. A number of policies were implemented to keep the company condition conducive both in terms of business and employees, one of which was regulating the percentage of employees working in the office.
Especially for cargo operations, until now it is still running normally, but with the implementation of a number of health protocols. Especially in the midst of a pandemic, air cargo transportation is one of the lines of business that is relied on to meet the needs of the community.
CT: In its release, PT Angkasa Pura II shows data on the growth of the cargo business. Does this have a big impact on APK?
Gautsil: In general, it is clearly influential, considering that cargo management at PT Angkasa Pura II airport is also carried out by APK as a subsidiary. Furthermore, the volume of cargo transportation in Q4/2020 of PT Angkasa Pura II is estimated to increase by 10%-15% compared to the Q3/2020. In the Q4/2020, it is estimated that the volume of cargo transportation at all PT Angkasa Pura II airports can reach 167.16 million Kg to 174.76 million Kg.
Similar to the trend in previous years, one of the triggers for this increase in cargo volume is the readiness for Christmas and New Year in December 2020.
CT: Is it true that the trend of cargo during the pandemic shifted from General Cargo (Genco) to Perishable? Could you explain?
Gautsil: Basically, the types of perishable goods such as fresh food, processed food, medicines have indeed increased amid the pandemic. This tends to be influenced by the trend of people who prefer to buy food through online channels rather than buying directly or conventionally during a pandemic. Especially with the existence of the PSBB (Social Distancing) regulation, of course it will limit the movement of the people.
In the end, the logistics business in Indonesia has a pretty good effect. However, it does not mean that general cargo has decreased, because even in the midst of a pandemic, the public demand for manufacturing/electronics needs remains high.
CT: How many Branch offices, transportation fleets and Human Resources in APK currently?
Gautsil: Until now, APK itself has managed 16 Cargo Terminals with a total Human Resources composition of 221 employees spread across the head office and all branches.
CT: Apart from Air Cargo, what about the development of other logistics businesses, Sea Freight, Heavy Lift, or Project Cargo?
Gautsil: As previously stated, to increase revenue Angkasa Pura Kargo has executed several forwarding businesses. There are several projects that have been successfully carried out by APK, including delivery Marine Loading Arm from Germany to Balikpapan (East Kalimantan) owned by PT Tripatra, delivery 6 Reactor Units owned by PT Grid Solutions from Tanjung Priok to Muara Enim (South Sumatera), and a number of other forwarding projects.
CT: What steps that APK has done to support Soekarno-Hatta Airport to become a logistic hub?
Gautsil: Angkasa Pura Kargo continues to support the main effort in making Soekarno-Hatta Airport the hub of domestic logistics with global service standards. As part of these efforts, APK plans to expand the operational area of air cargo, where the target of managing four new cargo terminals can be completed in the near future.
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