Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Delivery of N708GT, the Second of Four B777-200Fs; From Left to Right: Chris Dwyer (Boeing), David Cyrus (MSC), Graham Perkins (Atlas Air), Gavin Deeks (MSC), and Tony Slama (Boeing)
Atlas Air, Inc. (Atlas Air), a subsidiary of Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc., recently announced it has taken delivery of a Boeing 777-200 Freighter, which it will operate on behalf of its customer MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company SA, as part of a previously announced long-term ACMI (aircraft, crew, maintenance, insurance) agreement.
This is the second of four Boeing 777-200 Freighters that Atlas Air will operate for MSC, which will complement the existing weekly service for the world’s largest shipping company. Currently, MSC is offering around-the-world service to airports such as Mexico City (NLU), Indianapolis (IND), Liege (LGG), Seoul (ICN) and Xiamen (XMN).
“Building on the successful launch of MSC’s Air Cargo Solution, we are very pleased to welcome this second 777 delivery as part of our long-term strategic partnership. We expect our remaining two 777 aircraft to be delivered in the fourth quarter,” said Michael Steen, Chief Executive Officer, Atlas Air Worldwide. “We value the trust that MSC has in Atlas Air to support the expanding requirements of their global network, and are excited to leverage our expertise and industry-leading solutions.”
“The delivery of our second MSC branded aircraft represents another strategic component towards our offering that further connects trade lanes for our customers. In partnership with Atlas Air, we have built a solid foundation on which to expand our air cargo solution” said Jannie Davel, Senior Vice President Air Cargo at MSC.
Menteri Perhubungan Dudy Purwagandhi meninjau sarana dan prasarana transportasi udara di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, Banten, Kamis (27/3).
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