Breaking News:
Wednesday, 5 June 2024
IAS and PPG Collaboration to Improve Lounge Services at Airports to International Standards

Fourth from left: Mr Song Hoi-See and Mr Dendi Danianto inked the MoU, witnessed by Head of Chancery from the Consulate General of The Republic of Indonesia in Hong Kong, Mr Slamet Noegroho (second from right)

InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) is a leading provider aviation services in Indonesia. IAS is an End-to-End Solution (E2E Solution) in aviation services, offering Ground Handling & Cargo, Logistics, Hospitality, and Operational support. Our focus on quality, efficiency, and technology drives strategic partnerships with airlines and cargo companies for tailored services. We prioritize sustainability through eco-friendly practices and aim to ensure safe and memorable flight experiences for our customers.

IAS is proudly announcing the strategic partnership with Plaza Premium Lounge (PPG), a global leader lounge service operations in airport with international reach in more than 250 locations, 80 International Airports, 30 countries and regions, and serving 20 million travelers annually.

This collaboration aims to integrate global standards and innovation from the Plaza Premium Lounge into lounge service operations at the airport. The initial stage will be carried out at 5 potential lounges managed by IAS, including airports in Jakarta (CGK), Bali (DPS), Balikpapan (BPN), Makassar (UPG), and Medan (KNO). Then it will be implemented at all airports managed by IAS domestically and abroad.

This collaboration is focused on 3 main sectors, firstly, "One Teco", a technology system that supports electronic markets and smooth, safe, and measurable service delivery solutions that enable businesses and consumers to connect, transact and develop in the digital economy in the hotel sector. Then "Smart Traveler", namely a digital solution for delivering integrated end-to-end seamless passenger services and "Lounge Management System (LMS)", which aims to improve the airport lounge management system which will bring a new and better experience for passengers at airports throughout Indonesia.

President Director of InJourney Aviation Services (IAS), Mr. Dendi Danianto, welcomed this collaboration because it is a strategic step for IAS which aims to improve lounge services at airports to an international level. "This collaboration will also make it easier for customers to access all services in the lounge and provide comfort and an unforgettable experience while they are in the lounge," he said.

"We are delighted to join hands with InJourney Aviation Services to provide the unique proprietary technology innovations to elevate the operations of airport lounges across Indonesia," said Mr. Song Hoi-see, CEO and founder of Plaza Premium Group. "Southeast Asia is a key strategic market for our business, and Indonesia as the biggest economy in ASEAN and a fast-growing tourism market, presents a significant opportunity for growth. We are incredibly excited to extend to external partners the technology innovations that we have created to improve our operations in our mission of Making Travel Better.” IAS and PPG continue to collaborate and innovate by prioritizing the technology ecosystem to ensure that the best service can be provided, making it easier for customers to carry out transactions while in the lounge.

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