On 30th August 2024, several Board of Directors and Management representatives of J&T Express planted mangrove seeds at Pari Island, Thousands Islands (Kepulauan Seribu). The mangrove seed planting is a sustainable initiative to contribute to preserving the environment.
The process of planting was conducted at the same time at Pari Island, Pramuka Island, and Sukawali Village, Tangerang, with a total of seeds 3,000 divided evenly in the three locations. The ceremonial of the plantation is especially in Pari Island and was accompanied by LindungiHutan.
“Mangrove planting is one of our contributions to help protect the environment. Although we cannot feel the benefits immediately, it is better to prepare it now for the sake of environmental sustainability in the future. Hopefully, in the future there will be more similar activities and more involvement of J&T Express employees,” said Mike, Director of J&T Express.
The planting ceremony was attended by Iwan Senjaya - Key Account Manager, Carla Regina - Project Operations Manager, and Herline Septia - Brand Manager, as well as the Board of Directors of J&T Express.
In addition, the coordinator from LindungiHutan and representatives of local farmer partners were also present. During planting, there were at least 10 local female farmers who helped the planting process properly.
Later, for the next year, LindungiHutan will accompany the monitoring process and seedling replacement if necessary. Lindungi Hutan is an online crowdsourcing fundraising platform for forest and environmental conservation.
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