Breaking News:
Monday, 31 August 2015
Air Asia Indonesia Added International Routes,Support the Government Program
PT Indonesia AirAsia (AirAsia Indonesia) in its statement will cut some routes as well as the domestic fight in order to strengthen the international flight business. Those steps are also as the corporate attempt to do hedging in the middle of rupiah depression that proliferates. The President Director of AirAsia Indonesia, Antonius Sunu Widyatmoko said, currently the flight route composition of AirAsia is 35 per cent for domestic flights and 65 per cent for international flights. "Later, we will shrink the 35 per cent to become 30 per cent," said Sunu in AirAsia Indonesia's halal-bi halal event at the Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta, at the end of last month. Moreover, Sunu continued, AirAsia wants to support the government's program to increase the quota of overseas tourists through free visa program. This step is considered as favorable moment to expand market. "We would like to support that program. But since the flight is limited, therefore we have to cut some domestic routes to be able to add the international flights," he said to the Cargo Times. Sunu's statement is supported by the Chief Executive Officer of Indonesia AirAsia Extra (AirAsia X), Dendy Kurniawan that explained about two new routes that will be launched by AirAsia X this year. Previously, AirAsia X had opened routes to Taipei, Melbourne and Jeddah (for travellers who want to do Umroh). "In the near future, there will be route to Sydney from Bali. And there's another one, but I cannot reveal it yet," said Dendy to the Cargo Times. Through the additional routes to Sydney and one secret route, this year, AirAsia X will have five long haul routes. The flight routes majority will be from Bali as one of main hubs, and Jakarta for Jeddah route.
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