ICT News
Turkish Cargo Appreciates Cargo Agents by Holding “Jakarta Gala Dinner”
Turkish Cargo, the air cargo division of Türkiye’s national airline, Turkish Airlines, held an award ceremony through its branch office in Indonesia to recognize and Details
KNKT Report: Slight Increase in Serious Aviation Incidents Recorded in 2024
At the end of 2024, the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) held a media release event at its head office in Gambir, Central Jakarta, on Details
EVA Air, Evergreen Airline Services, and Evergreen Air Cargo Services Achieve Taiwan’s First Dual IATA CEIV Lithium Batteries Certifications in Passenger and Cargo Operations
EVA Air, together with Evergreen Airline Services and Evergreen Air Cargo Services, has been certified the Center of Excellence for Independent Validators (CEIV) Lithium Batteries Details
STARLUX Airlines Becomes the First Airline in Taiwan to Achieve IATA CEIV Lithium Batteries Certification
STARLUX Airlines has successfully obtained CEIV Lithium Batteries certification from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), making it the first and only airline in Taiwan Details
STARLUX Airlines Exercises Options for Five A350F Freighters
On December 9, 2024, STARLUX Airlines announced that it has exercised options for five A350F freighter aircraft and officially signed agreements with Airbus and Rolls-Royce Details
Depalindo Urges Transportation Minister to Audit TransNusa Airlines
The Indonesian Shippers Council (Depalindo) has called on Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi, through the Directorate General of Air Transportation, to conduct a thorough audit Details
China Airlines Announces Plan for New Fleet of 24 Passenger and Cargo Aircraft
China Airlines, the Taiwan based carrier, announced plans to order ten Airbus A350-1000 passenger aircraft, ten Boeing 777-9 passenger aircraft, and four 777-8F freighters. The Details
Qantas Freight Takes to The Skies as Online Orders Soar for The Christmas Peak
As Australians make their Christmas shopping lists – and check them twice, Qantas Freight is unveiling a specially decorated ‘Santa’s Freight’ aircraft as it prepares Details
With Its Diversity, JNE Welcomes Christmas by Spreading Messages of Love and Gratitude
JNE held a Christmas celebration with the Christian JNE Knights (Ksatria) and Heroines (Srikandi) who are members of the Ecumenical Fellowship (Persekutuan Oikumene). With the Details
Boeing: Air Cargo Traffic to Double by 2043 as Emerging Markets Drive Growth
With a strong air cargo market exceeding pre-pandemic levels, Boeing forecasts continued long-term growth, saying air cargo traffic will increase by an average of 4% Details
Menutup rangkaian Konvoi jaket dan helm terbaru #KurirSATSETJNE hasil kolaborasi eksklusif bersama merek lokal asli Indonesia, EIGER Tropical Adventure dan Cargloss Helmets
…DetailsDalam upaya meningkatkan transparansi, efisiensi, dan kepatuhan di sektor keuangan dan bisnis, InJourney (INJ) bersama sub-holdingnya InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) menggelar sosialisasi FAGRC (Finance, Accounting, Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance) di Gedung Graha Angkasa Pura I, Kemayoran,
…DetailsPT. Citra Van Titipan Kilat (TIKI), perusahaan jasa pengiriman terkemuka di Indonesia, menunjukkan kepeduliannya dengan menyalurkan bantuan bagi para korban kebakaran di Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat.
…DetailsPT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi atau InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) selaku sub-holding dari InJourney, Kamis, tanggal 06 Februari 2025 telah sukses melaksanakan suatu program penting dalam proses konsolidasi.