Green Technology
Cainiao Showcases Smart Logistics Carbon Reduction Innovations at COP28
Cainiao Group, (Cainiao), the logistics arm of Alibaba Group Holding Limited, recently announced its participation at the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the Details
DHL Express to Lead Sustainable Logistics in Indonesia with 24 Additional E-Vans
DHL Express, the world's leading international express service provider, has geared up to electrify its last-mile delivery fleet with the deployment of 24 electric vans Details
SiGesit Couriers Have Experienced Easy Packages Delivery Using Electric Motor
SiCepat Express (SiCepat) has made some innovations, collaboration, and business expansion to provide logistictics services to people. One of the innovations is the electric motor Details
New Breakthrough in 2021, Anteraja Use Electric Motorcycle for Couriers
The breakthrough in 2021, Anteraja, a technology-based courier service company, has officially pioneered the use of environmentally-friendly electric motorcycles that will be used by Satria Details
Lufthansa Cargo and DB Schenker Start First CO2-Neutral Freight Flights
Lufthansa Cargo, DB Schenker has staged the industry's first CO2-neutral freight flight, whose fuel requirements will be completely covered by Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).Lufthansa Cargo's Details
Yamato Orders 500 Electric Light Utility Vehicles from DP DHL Group
Yamato Transport (Yamato), the leading logistics company in Japan, has ordered 500 electric light utility vehicles from StreetScooter, a subsidiary of Deutsche Post DHL Group, to Details
DHL Supply Chain Places Order for 10 Tesla Electric Semi Trucks
DHL Supply Chain, the Americas' leader in contract logistics and part of Deutsche Post DHL Group, announced that it has placed an order for ten Details
Menutup rangkaian Konvoi jaket dan helm terbaru #KurirSATSETJNE hasil kolaborasi eksklusif bersama merek lokal asli Indonesia, EIGER Tropical Adventure dan Cargloss Helmets
…DetailsDalam upaya meningkatkan transparansi, efisiensi, dan kepatuhan di sektor keuangan dan bisnis, InJourney (INJ) bersama sub-holdingnya InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) menggelar sosialisasi FAGRC (Finance, Accounting, Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance) di Gedung Graha Angkasa Pura I, Kemayoran,
…DetailsPT. Citra Van Titipan Kilat (TIKI), perusahaan jasa pengiriman terkemuka di Indonesia, menunjukkan kepeduliannya dengan menyalurkan bantuan bagi para korban kebakaran di Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat.
…DetailsPT Integrasi Aviasi Solusi atau InJourney Aviation Services (IAS) selaku sub-holding dari InJourney, Kamis, tanggal 06 Februari 2025 telah sukses melaksanakan suatu program penting dalam proses konsolidasi.