Breaking News:
Sunday, 26 March 2017
MY Indo Airlines Officially Operates From Cengkareng
Using the theme "Expanding the Possibilities", the cargo airlines that has experienced for 40 years officially opens its operation base at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng. From the biggest airport in Indonesia, MY Indo start to operate the route to Singapore (CGK-SIN) and Balikpapan (CGK-BPN) on 13 March 2017. In the opening ceremony of MY Indo operation, the joint venture with PT Mitra Adira Utama was done on 10 March 2017 (Friday) at the BGD Warehouse, Cargo Area, Cengkareng. Attending the event are Mohammed Yunos Ishak, Managing Director of MY Indo Airlines, Winda J. Maukar, Senior Vice President, Administration/Finance & Business Development of MY Indo Airlines, Commissioner, Board of Directors and Manager of MY Indo Airlines, and also Managements of PT Mitra Adira Utama. There were also guests of honour - SHIA Airport Authorities, The Ministry of Transportation, PT Angkasa Pura II, Customs, Soekarno-Hatta Police and guests from cargo agents, airlines, logistic express, and others stakeholders. MY Indo that operates with special cargo carrier have 3 planes: 2 (two) B 737-300s and 1 (one) B 737-200. The operation detail, one B 737-300 is placed in the west region, at the Halim Perdanakusuma airport, for HLP - SIN - HLP and BPN - SIN - BPN routes. And two planes are currently placed in Jayapura and Wamena with 5 times flight schedules: Jayapura - Wamena - Jayapura route.(mar)
GO Ina

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