In view of the travel restrictions imposed by Malaysia and other countries, Teleport, the cargo and logistics subsidiary of RedBeat Ventures (RBV), AirAsia Group Berhad’s corporate venture arm, is focusing its operations on transporting medical aid and protective equipment intended for hospitals or frontline emergency responders.
“While it is business as usual for Teleport, we need to also get our priorities right during this difficult period. These supplies are increasingly in short supply globally and we want to ensure this is delivered to the frontline workers in the region who need it the most. Our focus at this time is doing our collective part to minimize the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for our team, all service partners, and our communities, in particular the many brave healthcare frontliners who are faced with critical medical equipment shortages," said Pete Chareonwongsak, CEO of Teleport.
We recognize that at this time of uncertainty, our infrastructure remains critical for regional supply chains, surging e-commerce demand, and essential services. Our goal remains to keep the core of our domestic and international network by flying cargo-only on passenger planes so we are able to accommodate critical cargo and e-commerce needs. We intend to do our part.”
Pete said Teleport works closely with the AirAsia Group airlines to serve the logistics needs of the region.
“On top of our domestic networks across the region, we expect to retain core international flight connectivity within Asean and to specific cities in China, Korea, Japan and Australia. In addition, our growing next-day parcel delivery will continue to reach customers across 10 cities and 3 countries,” added Pete.
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