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Tuesday, 12 July 2022
Directorate General of Civil Aviation Launched SIDOPI-GO and SIPUDI Apps

For the airline operators and stakeholder drone is currently eased in doing registration after The Directorate General of Civil Aviation, The Ministry of Transportation launched The Drone, Drone Pilot, and Drone Operation Approval Registration System Application (SIDOPI-GO), and The Indonesia Airplane Registration System Application (SIDUPI) at The Head Office of the Transportation Ministry.

The launch was done online by The Acting Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Nur Isnin Istiartono, accompanied by Director of Aviation Navigation, Sigit Hani, and Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations, Dadun Kohar.

“Both applications are forms of Aviation Transportation Directorate General in giving excellent service to aviation operators and stakeholder drones to improve the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE). They will enjoy the license process easier, shorter, and more transparent,” said Nur Isnin in his statement on Wednesday (15/6/2022).

The Drone, Drone Pilot, and Drone Operation Approval Registration System Application (SIDOPI-GO) is an application developed in relation with drone operation control in Indonesia.

With the application, the operation agreement can be given integratedly from one door so it could be monitored in real time. This is in line with the increase of drone utilization in Indonesia.

Next, The Indonesia Airplane Registration System Application (SIPUDI) is an application developed for the process of airplane registration certificate issued online so that the service users, they are aviation operators who can access easily online, fast, accurate, and transparent.

Even though they are done online, all drone operation license process and airplane registration still refers to the stipulation and regulation that apply. The application implementation is hoped to be able to become role models or references for permit processes especially in the aviation world so then it can be involved in developing aviation in Indonesia.

“The benefits from this application are not only for the aviation operators and drone players (activists), but they are also to meet the people’s requirements over the air transportation services. Socialization is important to be done massively so that the application implementation can reach the community widely,” concluded Nur Isnin.

Author: Martin Jop
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