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Sunday, 9 January 2022
Supporting MSE Growth in Cargo Logistics Industry, J&T Cargo Open Partnership Opportunity

J&T Cargo, a logistics company focusing on big volume and size packages delivery, opens business opportunities for people through cargo logistic partnership. With fast and efficient Service Level Agreement (SLA) and with more affordable costs, J&T Cargo gives partnership experiences using a structured digitalization system to support Middle Small Entrepreneurship (MSE).

“Logistics Industry in Indonesia grows fast, as recorded currently, J&T Cargo has 1,600 outlets and 90% of them are owned by the partners. Developing B2B, B2C market segmentation, and retail to expand the scope and to improve business values to continually grow. In the future, we plan to collaborate with e-commerce platforms and factory producers so that we can support the online and offline business simultaneously”, CEO of J&T Cargo, Jonathan said in the Press Conference at Ritz-Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta (16 December 2021).

Until the last year, the business growth of J&T Cargo was considered a success, the delivery kept growing and now has 38 Gateway that has capacity more than 2000 tons every day and the number of fleets more than 500 units.

To maintain the consistency of convenient payment transactions, some additional services like, insurance, safety packages, and next warehouse, prioritizing the logistic smart system that integrate and manage all packages online.

”E-commerce in Indonesia keeps growing. This potency will affect the online transactions that continue to grow, and the courier service present to support the growth would also grow so a logistic partner like J&T Cargo has a potency to continue growing ahead,” said Tarwan, J&T Cargo Partner.

“We realise, J&T itself is a big company and has been one of the leading courier services in Indonesia for the express category. I am optimistic that J&T Cargo can grow significantly “, he added.

J&T Cargo committed to open an opportunity for partnership to people and to build a sustainable and harmonic ecosystem. Most of the partners have joined to apply cargoes delivery using J&T Cargo services. To become a partner, people can access information through the website or through official hotline of J&T Cargo at 021-8066 1666.

Author: Martin Jop
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