On Thursday (1 Dec, 2022), the President Director of JAS Airport Services, Adji Gunawan and Juanda International Airport Manager, Sisyani Jaffar, opened the operation of PT. Jasa Angkasa Semesta (JAS Airport Services/JAS) as a cargo terminal operator (Cargo Terminal Operator/CTO) at the new warehouse of the International Cargo Terminal of Juanda International Airport (SUB), Surabaya officially.
“JAS Airport Services, as a national ground handling company, will give full commitment to the operation strategy and the supporting facility technology use to create a sustainable cargo environment in Surabaya, especially with the facilities at the new warehouse of Cargo Terminal and International Posts,” said Adji Gunawan in his speech.
The operation of JAS as one of the CTOs at the new warehouse of the Cargo Terminal and International Posts of Juanda Airport can support the handling of integrated handling of international packages,” added Adji.
JAS will implement Cargo Terminal Digitalization using Integrated Cargo System or Cargo Integrated System that will simplify the business processes, and will also improve efficiency and payment transparency that is integrated with all stakeholders in the logistics and cargoes ecosystem.
Moreover, Cargo Integrated System will be integrated with HS-Code INSW and National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE).
Moreover, giving innovative services and safety to all stakeholders including customers, like JAS digital platform, Road Feeder Services; and recently, JAS has obtained a certificate of CEIV Lithium Battery from IATA (The International Air Transport Association) to support the growth of the national electric vehicle battery industry.
Beside that, Adji said the inauguration of JAS’ new cargo warehouse can also support the logistics tariff stability so that it can contribute the local economic development
JAS is also optimistic to support the international cargo productivity success at Juanda International Airport, which has around 41 tons of international cargo per day at the new cargo terminal warehouse that has 3,500 m2 of space.
Meanwhile, the General Manager of Juanda Airport, Sisyani Jaffar said: “The collaboration that has been established with PT JAS is part of an effort to further strengthen the cargo business, as well as to provide better service. The momentum of this cooperation is part of an effort to encourage increased revenue, as well as in the context of providing added value to the service aspect”.
Sisyani also hopes the collaboration with JAS will encourage the cargo business ecosystem to take advantage of export opportunities that can become a joint momentum to increase productivity and competitiveness.
The period from January to October 2022 recorded the airport with the IATA SUB code has served a total of 52,130 tons of cargo traffic with details of 12,449 tons of international cargoes and 39,681 tons of domestic cargoes.(mar)
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