FedEx Express (FedEx), one of the world’s largest express transportation companies, has been recognized as one of the ‘Top 5 Airlines by Cargo Carriage’ at the Changi Airline Awards 2024 for the second consecutive year.
The annual award recognizes the partnership of airlines operating at Changi Airport and their contributions towards making it a world-class air hub.
“We are truly honoured to receive this award, which reflects our strong partnership with Changi Airport Group in improving Singapore’s status as one of the top international cargo hubs,” said Eric Tan, Managing Director of FedEx Express Singapore.
“This achievement not only underscores our operational excellence, but also highlights the unwavering dedication of our team members to ensure we continue to contribute to Singapore’s position as a vibrant aviation hub by enhancing Singapore’s connectivity to the region and growing overall airfreight volume at Changi Airport,” added Eric.
FedEx operates 54 weekly inbound and outbound flights for parcel and freight shipments in Singapore. Significant contributions to this cargo load stem from strategic routes to and from Australia, China and the U.S., highlighting the pivotal role FedEx plays in facilitating global trade in the region.
Singapore is home to FedEx regional headquarters, the FedEx South Pacific hub, the FedEx Center of Excellence for Data Analytics, and the FedEx Life Science Centre, one of four such centres in Asia.
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