Breaking News:
Saturday, 16 October 2010
GATF 2010: Promoting Tourism & Cheaper Travel Abroad
Before entering the area of Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair (GATF) 2010, visitors are enjoying the replicate of onboard facilities of Garuda planes, including rooms of executive class, business class, and executive bar. Then, visitors will pass the area in which poster relating history of Garuda Indonesia from the beginning is laid up. GATF remains one of biggest event relating tourism in Indonesia. In addition to Garuda Indonesia Groups, several related businesses like travel agent, wholesalers and retailers, hotel and resorts, as well as tourism related institutions and companies, always join the event. Most of them usually offer abroad holiday package with cheaper price. In a bid to promote Indonesian tourism sector and to help the Indonesian citizens to get cheaper and attractive traveling package, Garuda Indonesia again conducted Garuda Indonesia Travel Fair (GATF) 2010 which will take place on October, 8-10, at Jakarta Convention Center. This Travel Fair 2010 provides any ticket and travel package sale, with price ranges from Rp 250 - 750 thousand. Even, the Midnight Sale from 10 - 12 pm will be more attractive. Singapore and Hong Kong is predictably the most interesting abroad destination, while Bali, Lombok, and Medan of domestic destinations. The ticket sold during the fair will be valid until March 2011. So, the travelers can arrange their trip schedule. Predictably, tickets for Christmas and New Year will attract more visitors.(mar)
GO Ina

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