The latest series of jackets and helmets, #KurirSATSETJNE, resulting from a collaboration between EIGER Tropical Adventure and Cargloss Helmets, culminated in a convoy held in Jakarta on February 8, 2024. The event began at the JNE Head Office located on Jl. Tomang Raya 11 in West Jakarta.
Following the official launch at the 34th JNE Anniversary, the festive convoy featuring the newest #KurirSATSETJNE jacket and helmet took place across 64 JNE branches throughout Indonesia, Jakarta being the final city to conclude the series of activities.
In addition to presenting the couriers’ new appearance, this convoy was also a special moment to share happiness by providing compensation to orphanages and orphan foundations, as well as planting tree seedlings which took place in each city carrying out the activity.
M. Feriadi Soeprapto, President Director of JNE, stated, “This convoy is a form of our appreciation for the dedication of the #SATSETJNE couriers who connect happiness to the community every day, in line with our tagline, “Connecting Happiness.”.”
Eri Palgunadi, SVP Marketing Group Head of JNE explained “The convoy of new Helmet and Jacket is not only a celebration, but it is also a form of JNE’s commitment to continue to provide the best for couriers in carrying out the noble task of delivering shipments. By obeying traffic signs, this convoy passed through icons of the city of Jakarta such as the Kota Tua Jakarta, Bundaran HI, and Lapangan Banteng and also provided compensation to the Jakarta Al Ma’mur Yatim Foundation, this is following the company’s philosophy, namely “Sharing, Giving and Supporting”. Ustad Handy Bonny was also present to provide tausiyah at the closing of this event. “Hopefully this new equipment will increase the comfort, safety and enthusiasm of couriers in delivering shipments and connect happiness.”
The jackets designed by EIGER offer optimal comfort and protection for couriers while on duty. They also embody the tough spirit and professionalism of these individuals. Additionally, the modern and dynamic Cargloss helmet symbolizes the “Melesat SAT SET” spirit, aligning with JNE’s 34th-anniversary tagline, which is a hallmark of #SATSETJNE couriers in their delivery efforts.
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