Breaking News:
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Mandala Airlines: 80 Per Cent On-Time In November
National low cost, Mandala Airlines (Mandala) recently released data stating that in November this year 80% flights were on time. The release also stated from January to November, Mandalal reached a 80% on time flights in average. For Mandala, the on time flight is a key factor in providing a satisfying service to its customers. Mandala President Director Diono Nurjadin said that the industry of airlines faced a difficult time in November, in view of some natural disaster like Merapi eruption that disturbed the flights. "Releasing the data relating on time service proves our position as the leader in providing best service to customers," he said, claiming that no other airlines, except Mandala, that released data relating on time service. "I hope other airlines to publish data relating it, so customers can have initial information to decide with what airlines they will fly," he said. The data has been audited by independent auditor and has been published according to IATA regulation. Diono explained that 2010 is the busiest year for Mandala. In 2010, after getting IOSA certificate from IATA, Mandala launched four international routes: Jakarta-Singapore, Balikpapan-Singapore, Jakarta-Macau, and Jakarta-Hong Kong. Mandala has also cut over 60% of international tariff. In 2010, the airline also ordered 25 A320 which are scheduled to firstly be delivered in 2011.(YS)
GO Ina

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