Breaking News:
Sunday, 20 February 2011
AP II: In 2010 Reached Profit For Rp. 1.26 T, Above The Target
PT. Angkasa Pura II (AP II) reached the profit target for Rp.1.26 trillion successfully or 20% higher than the shareholders' expectation, which was Rp.1,049 trillion. Managing Director of PT. Angkasa Pura II, Tri S. Sunoko explained the successive achievement was due to the management's effort to maintain the cost increase lower than the earning increase. "For 2011 budgetary, the shareholders had determined the profit target for Rp.1,209 trillion that the management should achieved," Tri said during the AP II Official Work Meeting in 2011 at the Auditorium of AP II Head Office, Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, on Wednesday, 26th January 2011. The meeting, which was followed by 12 branch offices and held on Friday (28/01), was a further action of AP II's Shareholder General Meeting on 30th December 2010. Tri stated the management is optimist that company will be able to reach the 2011 profit target that has been set by the shareholders. Therefore, in that work meeting, The Board of Director will settle a management contract that is aimed to all Vice President and General Managers, and will be used as a reference to apply the work program during 2011. "The Board of Director proclaimed the 2011 as 'Working Year and Running Year'. The target is to transform literally the airport's image and physical appearance through shock image stages starting from doing the big-impact-small things that have goals to create an international-standard airport," he said.(ayos)
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