Breaking News:
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Halim Perdanakusuma Airport: Investment Value For Anticipating Soetta And Non-Aero Dominant Income
There are scorching issues spreading out among media and societies that the Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Soetta) - Cengkareng has been unable to accommodate passengers (over capacity). As a main gate, the Soetta Airport is expected to be able to overcome airport's infrastructure in order to solve the passengers' over capacity problem. In relation to that issue, some operators of domestic airlines, like Lion Air, Wings Air, and Merpati Airlines who plan to expand their network make some anticipation steps. One of them is to look for a closest alternative airport from the Soetta Airport. Responding to the issue, General Manager of the Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, Iskandar Harry Susanto said to the CARGO TIMES+ (CT+), their sides is ready to respond that national issue that had been a hot issue sometimes ago. As in Minister Decree Number 32 Year 2003 about the Soekarno-Hatta and the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport operations, it gives flexibility to commercial flights with limitations of 110-economy seats configuration and one-hour distance flight (counted from the first time a pilot pulls the booster at the origin airport until arrived at the destination airport). "The Halim Perdanakusuma, so far, has been an alternative airport in Jakarta for commercial flights besides servicing the VVIP flights as like as the Soekarno-Hatta Airport. For example, Garuda Indonesia once landed here due to bad weather in the Soekarno-Hatta that caused some flights were transferred here," Iskandar - an 1980's AKABRI graduate - said to the CT+ in his office at the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport, East Jakarta. According to him, the operation of the Halim Perdanakusuma Airport is only used for particular flights as presidential flights, military flights, helicopter, and others flights by airlines which are not commerce and domestic scheduled flights. This has been stated by government as in Minister Decree Number 32 Year 2003. The East Javanese man who used to be a pilot said whether there are issues or not his sides still plans and processes the anticipation steps in some lines in order to develop infrastructures and facilities like other airports in Indonesia in revamping the airport infrastructures. The actual acts that have been done throughout 2010 are to revamp air navigation equipments by developing its capability as the vital support of airport operation. It is done by replacing some of the equipments with the more sophisticated ones, then X-Ray addition to security personnel addition to human resources addition and improvement in quantity and quality. Then, his side also prepares a 1500 KVH-generator. Overall, the airport only needs generator with 1200 KVH capacity. The work spent some budget with investment value around 22 - 25 billion rupiahs, which it is budgeted through PT. Angkasa Pura II's intern budget. Dominant income of Non-Aeronautic (Non Aero) As an airport in National Air Force area managed by PT. Angkasa Pura II with special characteristic as an exclusive airport for VVIP guests (honourable state guests or other important guests), this airport is an airport that is able to make report of the Non-Aero dominant income compared to Aero. As Iskandar said, in 2010 Non-Aero Income rose sharply by 3.65% or equalled to 4 billion rupiahs in 2009. From the Aero side, the income was only reported for 0.9%, or it equalled to 1 billion rupiah. Thus, as an airport, that has the biggest Non-Aero income compared to other airports at PT. Angkasa Pura II and with traffic of 10-15 VVIP activities in one month, keeps maximizing their facilities and infrastructures like rented rooms, contitioner, and others as their biggest income. (YS)
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