Breaking News:
Saturday, 5 February 2011
JNE: Optimist To Reach 40% Target And Focus On Retail Development In 2011
The requests of goods deliveries keep increasing every year. In the contrary, the document and letter deliveries are decreasing sharply caused by the modern information and communication technology (ICT). The goods delivery, literally, increase due to the fast of ICT and globalization (network). Recently, in order to commit with people needs in logistic business in Indonesia, JNE (PT Tiki Jaluar Nugraha Eka Kurir) - as a domestic courier service - keeps improving themselves to be a world class company in logistic and distribution services. JNE is optimist to reach the target of the turnover growth for 40 percent in 2011. This is stated by Johari Zein, JNE CEO in the internal meeting with branch heads and all agencies in Indonesia in early 2011. Johari also stated that the major selling price is raised by the retail market for 65 percent and the rests were from corporation market. JNE will be more focused to run the retail business by expanding the networks in some regions to all regencies in Indonesia. Moreover, by the growth of ICT through online shopping, JNE is optimist to be able to cover the 2011 target with better performance. During 2010, every month, there are approximately 1,5 million delivery transactions to all over Indonesia using air transportation. Moreover, JNE also uses land transportation as considered it is more efficient; yet still considers the express service, safety, and customers' request. "If we are in dense schedules, we will make some bookings to all airlines in order to get spaces for our delivery goods," Johari closed his statement. (mar)
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