Breaking News:
Monday, 17 January 2011
The Composition Of Mulya Abdi And Sudaryanto Is Perfect To Restructure Soekarno-Hat
Mulya Abdi is a success man, who transformed Husein Sastranegara Airport (Bandung, West Java) as an airport that has succeeded to improve their facilities with cleanliness, good security, and conveniences. Now, he has been given a trust by PT. Angkasa Pura II management to sit in new position as Senior Deputy of General Manager (a.k.a Executive Deputy of General Manager) in Soekarno Hatta International Airport (Soetta). Previously, that position was held by Sudaryanto. Now, he sits in his new position as Senior General Manager of Soetta. According to Corporate Secretary of PT. Angkasa Pura II, Hari Cahyono in a meeting with the Cargo Times+ (CT+) in the location said this induction as part of dynamic conditions and is considered as a common thing. This induction has been examined by the management based on performance achievements that have been collected and discussed in an exclusive meeting, so then as a result the management got qualified human resources. The composition of Mulya Abdi and Sudaryanto that have been trusted by the management is expected to be more focused in order to improve services at Soetta. So far Soetta has been considered as an airport that should be a barometer among other airports instead, yet in fact they accept more complaints from people like their inadequate public facilities. "The main hope for the future is to enhance Soetta's operational service performance due to all of the complaints. By the change of officials at Soetta, I hope it will lessen the complaints and enhance the operational. I am sure their composition can bring a new condition," Hari said to CT+. According to Hari, the performances of the officials would be evaluated every semester. If their performances do not bring a significant changes or new hopes based on the management observation, then they would conduct restructuring over the positions. The evaluation is based on the management's provision on every one semester (every six months) evaluation. Nevertheless, to these two new officials (Mulya Abdi and Sudaryanto), the management will give evaluation in one year. This is the best decision given to the officials. At least, there is a leeway that we give to them to maximize their performances. In relation with Mulya Abdi that has been trusted to fix Soetta radically. Based on the management observation through their screening, the ex-General Manager, Bandung has succeeded to transform the Husein Sastranegara Airport maximally. Therefore, management has hopes on Mulya Abdi to be able to fix Soetta condition to be better. Hari gave samples, that Mulya Adi succeeded to modify the small airport to be looked pleasantly; such as smoking ban in certain areas, well-organized facilities condition, beautiful landscape of garden, parking management, and more.(ayos)
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