Breaking News:
Friday, 13 July 2012
The 12th Anniversary Of Lion Air, Launching Lion Bizjet And Batik Air
Lion Air as the prominent domestic airline celebrated its 12th anniversary on June 8th, 2012 at Halim Perdana Kusumah Airport, Jakarta. In that event, Lion Air also launched its new airline, Lion Bizjet, a chartered flight, and introduced Batik Air as a new company with full services / legacy airline category. "As for big growth of passenger in Asia region, the airline should provide low-budget ticket, qualified air planes, high flight frequency as well as satisfactory connecting flights. Passengers tend to choose an airline based on its flight frequency, and this time is the time to get that market," said Rusdi Krisna, Lion Air CEO. Based on this point of view, Lion Air expands its own core business that is defined into three flight services: 1. Low-cost flights by Lion Air and Wings Air, 2. Chartered flight by Lion Bizjet, 3. Premium Flight (full service) by Batik Air. Lion Bizjet will use Private Jets, that is Hawker 900XP, manufactured by Hawker Beechcraft Corporation, USA. This year, there will be 2 Hawker 900XPs to be soon operated as chartered flights. One flight had come in early of June and has been operated. The purchasing of those flights is for Lion Air's business expansion in order to meet the market needs in chartered or special flights. As we know, the current request of chartered flight increase significantly in line with the growth and expansion of national entrepreneurship to expand their operational territory in all over Indonesia as well as regionals, but the headquarter is in Jakarta. So, if the companies CEOs want to travel without any troublesome with the commercial flight schedule, they can just do the travelling anytime they need with special services. And Batik Air is prepared as a separate business unit to provide full-services to passengers. This air flight is in the process of permit making, and will operate for domestic and international routes with market targets of India, China, Thailand, and Australia. Batik Air will operate Boeing 737-900ER completed with such features like: the spacious space between seats (pitch), Boeing Sky Interior, IFE (In-Flight Entertainment), and phone line/WIFI inside the flight. On the same day, they also did agreement signature between Lion Air Group represented by Rusdi Kirana and Dr. Dinesh A. Kaskar, Senior Vice President of Boeing Sales Asia-Pacific and India in making a purchasing of 5 Boeing 787 Dreamliner valued US$ 1 Billion. This 787 Dreamliner will be used for Batik Air and will start to operate in March 2013.(eko)
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