Breaking News:
Sunday, 20 January 2013
MOT: The Construction Of 12 New Airports For Cheaper Logistic Cost In The Outskirt Zones
The Ministry of Transportation (MOT) is accelerating the construction of airports especially those that are in outskirt zones or in Indonesia borders to enhance accessibility. "Of the 24 airports, within two years ahead we are trying to accelerate the new airport construction. In 2013, there are 12 airports ready for the operation. Seven airports will operate in 2014 and five airports in 2015," explained Bambang Susantono, the Vice Minister of Transportation Minister in Jakarta recently. He explained that the government doesn't concern on big airports only, but also concerns on airstrips in Indonesia that should also be developed. "Developing small airports is very important to increase the regional accessibility in outskirts, borders, and eastern of Indonesia," he said. The twelve airports that are ready to operate in 2013: Medan Baru, Pekonserai, Muara Bungo, Bawean, Bone, Sumarorong, Kuffar-Seram, Tual Baru, Saumlaki Baru, Waisai, Kamanap, and Waghete Baru. According to Bambang, the investment for the airstrips construction or development is from the State Budget (APBN) for Rp 3 trillion. "The development of small airports is also part of our efforts to help provinces to press the logistic costs," he said. Liberation of airport construction Besides the construction/development of small airports, the other government efforts are to involve the other parties' participation out of the Ministry of Transportation for constructing the airport. As the Indonesian Republic President just legalized on 5 March 2012 was Government Regulation number 40/2012 about Airport Environment Development and Preservation. By the regulation implementation, according to General Director of Aviation Transportation - the MOT, Herry Bakti G. in the future all parties like provincial government, State-owned Corporate or Provincial-owned Corporate, and private companies will get opportunities to build an airport. And, of course, it should be proved that the institutions are able to build and organize the airport. So then, the liberation in this airport could be developed. In the Government Regulation number 40/2012 regulates the provisions of airport development and expansion, budget, partnership in development among the Government, the Provincial Government, the State-owned Corporates, the Provincial-Owned Corporates, and the Indonesian Legal Body, and the airport environment preservation. "This government regulation has accommodated some commitment in associate with the financing to constructing the airports. The initiators in doing the airport development should proof their financial ability as a fund proof paid to the Indonesian Legal Body or a Potentiality Statement for the airport development financing," Herry said. He also explains airport construction and development in Indonesia should refer to the main plan of airport, consider the needs of air transportation, tourism development, national and province potential development, intermodal and multimode integration, the national interest, the integration of air transportation route networks, and the preservation of airport environment, and meet the flight safety and security standard. "We need feasibility study. This is not about the euphoria in developing airports. In the feasibility study, the provincial potency will be seen if the province is feasible for the airport development/construction," he said. And according to Bambang Tjahjono, Airport Director - General Directorate of Aviation Transportation - MOT, the permit to build an airport is given by the Minister as in building technical guidance stipulated by the Minister in building sector. Furthermore, the initiators coordinate with the Provincial Government related to the construction plan and airport expansion suitable with the spatial plan of provinces and regencies/cities. "The permit to build an airport released after the requirements of ownership proof and/or land ownership are met; the recommendation given by the related institution towards the utility and accessibility in airport construction, the setting of airport location, technical plan with main facilities in airport and preservation environment," he said.
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