Breaking News:
Thursday, 18 June 2015
ACI, Ngurah Rai Bali Becomes the Third Best Airport in the World

The Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey that was conducted by the Airport Council International (ACI) in the quarter 1-2015 (January - March 2015) placed the I Gusti Ngurah Raih International Airport, Denpasar, Bali (Ngurah Rai) as the third best airport service in the world in the Airport category for 15 to 25 million passengers per year.
"In the previous survey in quarter IV-2014, the Ngurah Rai Airport, Denpasar was in the 7th world rank. The rank of the Juanda Airport, Surabaya is getting better from the 10th rank to 7th rank according to ACI evaluation," said President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I, Tommy Soetomo.
In the airport category with 15 to 25 million passengers per year, ACI conducted evaluation to 30 airports in the world. Entirely, the rank of the Ngurah Rai Airpot, Denpasar is higher than the Kansai Airport in Japan, Auckland in New Zealand, San Diego in USA, Helsinki-Vantaa in Finlandia, and Brisbane in Australia. Higher position than the Ngurah Rai Airport Denpasar is the Gimpo Airport in Seoul, South Korea that succesfully becomes the best airport according to the ASQ Survey beat the Wuhan Tianhe Airport, China as in the second rank.
Meanwhile, in the airport category with total of passengers for 5 to 15 million passengers per year, there are three airports in Indonesia that had been surveyed. As the result, of the 70 airports in the world, the Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Airport Sepinggan, Balikpapan is in the 24th rank, the Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar is in the 36th rank, and the Kualanamu Airport, Medan is in the 72nd rank.
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