Breaking News:
Monday, 16 March 2015
Aviation Insurance Consortium, How are you?

As we already knew, some planes from the biggest airlines in Indonesia that operate to several destinations experienced delay started on Wednesday (February 18, 2015), and for the next two days. This made the situation at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport uproar and flight schedules messed up, and even there were anarchy and a captivity act to some of airline staffs due to unclear information of the delay.
The chaos that was caused by the delay should be managed through the Aviation Insurance Consortium. By this consortium, the compensation for the passengers on accommodation, meals and ticket refund that needed big budget could have been handled.
The aviation insurance consortium is regulated in the Regulation of Transportation Minister (Permenhub) Number 77 Year 2011 about the Responsibility of Aviation Transport.
The Transportation Minister could push the airlines to give compensations if an airline causes a delay.
Consortium will pay the loss as stipulated in article 16, Permenhub Number 77, which consortium is not only responsible to the death, but also the loss due to delay.
Insurance companies that are interested in joining the consortium should register to Transportation Minister. After that, the Financial Service Authority (OJK) will examine the company whether it's healthy and can be given opportunity to protect flight.
In 2011 Transportation Minister are drafting an insurance mechanism concept. The result will be the Transportation Minister Decree.
This decree will refer to the Permenhub Number 77 Year 2011. However the fundamental regulation is still in Insurance Legal Regulation. Actually, this decree should have been completed before the end 2013, so then the aviation protection could be completed soon. However, up to 2015 the Decree about the aviation insurance consortium has not been issued.
When being confirmed about this matter, Transportation Minister admitted that they don't take care the aviation insurance affairs anylonger. It has been handed over to OJK.
"When we made Permenhub number 77, OJK hadn't been established yet. Now, the Transportation Minister doesn't take care the insurance issue any longer as it has been handed over to OJK," said the Public Relation of Transportation Minister, JA Barata to on-line media. And regarding to the Minister Decree that should have been completed in 2013, yet it still hasn't finished until this year. Transportation Minister gave the reason about the annulation of it as the insurance regulation has been handed over to OJK.
"The Decree is annulled. It is not continued for the Regulation Number 77 will be revised, and hope it could finish soon," Barata said.
Being called separately, the OJK's Development of Consumer Protection Policy, Anto Prabowo said that his side had conducted a dialogue that relates to the issue with Transportation Minister. However, the progress hasn't been clear so far.(detikcom/mar)
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