Breaking News:
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Etihad Cargo Focuses on Pharmaceuticals with New Product Launch
Etihad Cargo, the freight division of United Arab Emirates (UAE) carrier Etihad Airways, has unveiled TempCheck, its new cargo solution created to ensure the integrity of all temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical and healthcare products as they are transported around the world. All temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products, including blood plasma, tablets, medicines and anaesthetics, must be kept within different temperature ranges in compliance with industry and regulatory guidelines, to ensure the products retain their integrity and are protected from degradation due to exposure to heat and cold during the transportation process. Supervised by trained and experienced service teams and ground handling staff, TempCheck incorporates the latest equipment, processes and operating procedures that keep all pharmaceutical products within a temperature controlled environment at every stage of the journey, from the cool room facility to the ramp, and from the aircraft to the customer. To meet this increasing demand, Etihad Cargo has also upgraded its temperature controlled storage facilities in Abu Dhabi, and has refurbished its existing cool rooms to meet pharmaceutical-safe specifications. Extensive new purpose-built facilities are also being established and are scheduled to come online in 2015, prior to the summer period. The new Etihad Cargo TempCheck solution provides: - A range of temperature controlled (active) Unit Load Device (ULD) containers that are available for lease, for keeping products in cool, chilled or frozen states during transportation, - Pre-cooled thermo blanket protection (passive), for wrapping around temperature-sensitive cargo whilst being moved between the aircraft and the cool room facility, - Prioritised ground handling and loading, ensuring that all cargo is transferred between the cool facility and aircraft within 40 minutes maximum, - Temperature controlled cargo hold within the aircraft, - Extensive cool room facilities at its hub in Abu Dhabi to provide customers with variable temperature storage options.
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