Breaking News:
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Batik Air Achieved the Best OTP July - December 2015
The Ministry of Transportation had evaluated the On Time Performance (OTP) of Domestic Scheduled Airlines Company for the July - December 2015 period (6 months). The evaluation was carried out towards 15 domestic scheduled airlines. The evaluation results of the big 3 are: Batik Air is in the first rank. As the Lion Air Group's business subsidiary that gives full services, Batik Air achieved the highest OTP of 91.21% (with the total of OTP flights are 23,366 of 25, 617 flights). The second rank is Nam Air, a business subsidiary of Sriwijaya Air Group, that gives full services, achieved 90.61% of OTP (with the OTP flight as many as 8,248 flights of 9,103 flights). The third rank is the flag carrier, Garuda Indonesia with 85.82% OTP (with OTP flights for 77,955 flights of 90,832 flights). Based on the OTP evaluation result towards the 15 domestic airlines, the Ministry of Transportation came up with the total point of evaluation for 77.16% or the total of OTP Flights for 275,172 flights of 356,621 flights. Meanwhile, the flight percentage that experienced some delays is 20.74% or 73,950 flights, and the rest is the percentage of cancelled flights for 2.15% or 7,668 flights. For the 3 airlines with the highest delay percentage are: First place is Trigana Air that held 45.74% or 2,384 flights experienced delays of 5,212 flights. Second place is Susi Air with 34.96% or 7,271 delayed flights of 20,801 flights. The third place is Travel Express with 33.28% or 1,717 delayed flights of 5,159 flights.
GO Ina

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