Breaking News:
Thursday, 18 August 2016
CKB Ready to Manage Three New PLBs
After being inaugurated by the President Joko Widodo in March 2016 as the management of Bonded Logistic Centre (Pusat Logistik Berikat - PLB) in Cakung, PT Cipta Krida Bahari or CKB Logistics ready to manage three locations of new PLB in Balikpapan, Surabaya and Karawang. Not only it's ready to manage three new locations, CKB Logistics is also examining to enroll as PLB's administrator for sectors other than mining and oil and gas. 'Currently, there is a partner who will work together with the company. We hope it can be realized soon," said Iman Sjafei, the President Director of CKB Logistics.
CKB Logistics targeted 50,000 sqm of PLB would be filled in this year, "We have started to make socialization about PLB to our customers since the inauguration of PLB, in last March," said Iman.
In the meantime, Iman said the growth of revenue from PLB's facility over company's facility hasn't been able to be sensed significantly. "Hope, at the end of the year, it could give enough contribution for the company, where company's revenue projection from this PLB is Rp. 20 billions. However, we realized that it's not an instant process," he said.(en)
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