Wednesday, 28 September 2016
MoT: Don't Activate the Battery, Power Bank and Smartphone of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 During Flight
In order to maintain the Flight Safety, the Transportation Ministry issued a circular in relation with the use of lithium battery, power bank and smartphone of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 during the flight operation.
The Circular from the DG of Aviation Transportation Number SE.18 Year 2016 about Lithium Battery, Power Bank and smartphone of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 issued on 13 September 2016.
Head of Public Information and Communication Bureau Hemi Pamuraharjo in Jakarta, Wednesday (14 Sep), said that the lithium, power bank and smartphone of Galaxy Note 7 should not be put in checked baggage.
All airlines should remind their passengers to inform all cabin crews if they get their lithium, power bank and smartphone of Galaxy Note 7 broken, heated, smoked or lost on board.
If an airport officer find it at the checked baggage safety check, he/she should fish them out and coordinate with the owner and related airline for further handling as in the applicable regulation.
In the implementation, the Authority Office of Airport manage a supervision to the application of the circular, yet active participation from consumers to obey the circular is necessary.
The regulation for electronic handling on board is an anticipation step to anticipate explosion and fire hazard caused by the electronic devices that use lithium battery as written in the press communication that can be accessed in about 35 explosions caused by the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 battery in all over the world.
The USA's flight operator, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a Circular about Flight Safety on 8 September 2016, and so has the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) that issued Safety Information Bulletin European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Number 2016-13 on 9 September 2016 about Fire Hazards Associated with Galaxy Note 7 Devices.