Breaking News:
Sunday, 24 January 2016
No Bridge too Far for Emirates SkyCargo
Emirates SkyCargo, the freight division of Emirates, has again demonstrated its capability to handle all types of cargo, this time a very important load of heavy machinery and steel parts for a new bridge currently being constructed across the Nile River in Uganda. Emirates SkyCargo was recently awarded the charter by a Japanese construction company to carry the heavy equipment from Tokyo's Narita Airport to Entebbe on 26 December, via the cargo carrier's hub in Dubai. The cargo, weighing about 84 tonnes, consisted of machinery, including a winch, down-the-hole hammer, and steel parts for the bridge. The cable-stayed bridge, currently one of the biggest bridge developments in central and east Africa, is a project by the Government of Uganda with support from the Government of Japan, and is located at Jinja near the source of the Nile. Once completed the bridge is expected to improve transport flows on the Northern Corridor route which links Uganda and neighbours Burundi, Rwanda and eastern DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) to Kenya. To carry the cargo, Emirates SkyCargo used one of its Boeing 777 Freighter aircraft, which is capable of carrying over 100 tonnes of cargo per flight. The aircraft is one of the most modern and technologically advanced freighters available, with its wide main deck enabling access for outsized cargo and larger consignments.
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