Breaking News:
Thursday, 9 March 2017
2016, Angkasa Pura Airports
PT Angkasa Pura 1 (AP 1) recorded positive performance in 2016 annual book as the company achieved net profit for Rp. 1.1 trillion or increased 34 per cent (%) compared to 2015 for Rp. 841.5 billion. Moreover, the company management of 13 airports in eastern and middle Indonesia successfully recorded the operational revenue (unaudited) for Rp. 6.1 trillion, or increased 18 % compared to 2015 for Rp. 5.2 trillion.
Of the revenue total for Rp 6.1 trillion, the Rp. 3.6 trillion is from aeronautic business (Landing Services, Placement Services, and Aeroplane Garage, Airline Passenger Services, Aviobridge use, Counter, and baggage handling system). And the Rp. 2.5 trillion is from non-aeronautic business like room rental, concession, advertorial, parking, platform, lounge, event promotion, cargoes, and others.
"The revenue increase is supported by the traffic growth in 2016 through airlines' route addition and initiative Collaborative Destination Development (CDD) program that work together with provincial government at some branches like El Tari Airport Kupang, Sam Ratulangi Airport Manado, and Adi Soemarmo Airport Solo. This gives effect to the passengers and airplane traffics increase at those airports," said the Managing Director of AP 1 or Angkasa Pura Airports Danang S. Baskoro.
During 2016, AP 1 recorded the airplane traffic increase for 8.8 % of 698 thousand movements in 2015 to be 762 thousand movements in 2016. Passenger grow 14.3 % of 73.9 million passengers in 2015 to be 84.7 million passengers in 2016. Meanwhile, cargo increase 11.4 % of 324.8 thousand tons in 2015 to become 362.5 thousand tons in 2016.
In 2017, AP 1's revenue target is Rp. 7.6 trillion or increase 25.9% from the revenue realization in 2016. The revenue targets, one of them is supported through revenue increase of five subsidiaries companies, Angkasa Pura Supports, Angkasa Pura Logistik, Angkasa Pura Properti, Angkasa Pura Hotel, and Angkasa Pura Retail.(mar)
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