Breaking News:
Thursday, 21 December 2017
Good News! Audit Result of Indonesian Aviation is Above The Average of Other Countries’ Implementation Effectiveness

The Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi (pic. kemenhub)

The Indonesian Aviation Sector is worthy to be proud of the Audit result towards the International Aviation Safety that is above the average. Based on the result of “On-site Visit ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission” (ICVM) of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that was conducted on 10 - 18 October 2017, the Indonesian implementation effectiveness reached 81.15 %. It is above the average of other countries’ implementation effectiveness that are only 62%.

With this result, if it is compared with other Asean (Southeast Asian) countries, Indonesia sit on the 2nd rank below Singapore. Meanwhile, amongst Asia Pacific countries, Indonesia is in the 55th rank. Previously, Indonesia was in 151st rank. 

The Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi welcome the Indonesian’ success in Universal Safety Oversight  Audit Programme (USOAP) ICAO. According to him, the audit result may be able to become a momentum to increase the world’ trust towards Indonesia. 

“On the other side, the improvement in Air Transportation performance will be able to support transportation connectivity in Indonesia better, so that the development in all over Indonesia will be more equal and the Indonesian people welfare will even increase,” said the Minister. 

Meanwhile, the Director General of Air Transportation, the Ministry of Transportation, Agus Santoso said that the success shows the Indonesian Aviation’ performance is very well recognized by International world, especially about the implementation of the International flight safety regulation stipulated in Annex 1 to 19 ICAO. 

“Therefore, I would like to thank all parties that have supported the Indonesian Aviation sector to achieve the high rank from the regulators, operators, and Indonesian people,” he said.  

As known, on 10 - 18 October 2017 ICAO conducted audit on aviation safety check in Indonesia. The audit was directly done (on site) through ICVM Process after the document audit (off site) in September 2017. 

There are 8 areas that has become ICVM focus from ICAO, they are Legislation (LEG), Organization (ORG), Personnel Licensing (PEL), Airworthiness (AIR), Operations (OPS), Air Navigation (ANS), Aircraft Investigation (AIG) and Aerodromes (AGA).

He is optimistic to achieve Indonesian aviation safety and get the score above world’s average.  Agus’ optimistic is not without any reason, considering the improvement stages that have been realized by Directorate General of Air Transportation in early 2017 up to today. 

“During the off site stage, until 10 September we have successfully answered 417 of 421 (almost 100 %) findings (finding Protocol Questions/PQs). The results have been sent by NCMC (National Continuous Monitoring Coordinator) in ICAO HQ  via OLF (Online Frame Work) CMA. Therefore, I was very optimist with the result from on site will also be high because whats we reported (off site) are similar to what we did (on site),” he said. 

ICAO have done some USOAP audits in Indonesia but the result was less convincing. In 2007, the ICAO’ audit result was only 54% compliance. In 2014, the audit result of ICAO was even lower, the compliance was 45%. And in 2016, the result was improving to be 51% compliance (offsite Validation). The compliance score is lower than world’s average with the passing grade for 63%.  

However, several stages of improvement had been done soon with hard work and good relationship with regulators, operators and all aviation stakeholders in Indonesia. Finally, good result was  obtained where Indonesia successfully achieved implementation for 81.15 %.

“What we have received was the result of our hard work and good  partnership with several parties from regulators or flight operators like airport management, airlines, ground handling, flight navigation organizers, flight personnel and passengers. Therefore, we thanked everyone very much for the cooperation so that we could achieve maximum result,” said the Director General. 

“To keep the compliance we have achieved, we would like to ask the regulators and operators to maintain and always keep up with the requirements. And to airline operators, we would like you to cling on the agreed stipulation and be always discipline,” Agus confirmed.

Author: Eko Nugroho
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