Breaking News:
Saturday, 1 July 2017
The Finding of 500 Units of Bomb Detonator in Cookies Package

The action of Aviation Security (Avsec) officers at the Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport (UPG), Makassar, South Sulawesi finding the 500 units of detonator packages that are ready for delivery on Sunday (11/6/2017). The trigger tools are found out in the airport cargo room during the X-ray check.

The Head of Hasanuddin Airport Police Sector Iptu Ahmad said, the avsec officers initiatively opened the package because the items looked suspicious on the X-Ray screen. The detonator were found in five packages, where in each there were 100 units of it. “The package was found in one package of cookies package," said Ahmad. From the finding, avsec and police saved the detonator to be recorded.

Based on the investigation, the item  that was delivered by a person addressed  in Gowa,  Sulawesi using  expedition service line, which are addressed to somebody in Katapang,  West Kalimantan.  The package would actually be delivered using Garuda Indonesia with Pontianak destination, West Kalimantan. The items are now in the Police quarter in South Sulawesi for further investigation.

The finding of the detonator packages is not the first time in Sultan Hasanuddin Airport,  Makassar.  In January 2017, some avsec officers found 300 detonators.  The bomb was revealed to be used to bomb fish.

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