Breaking News:
Tuesday, 6 February 2018
BIJB Will Become Airport with Second Longest Runway in Indonesia

West Java International Airport (BIJB) / Kertajati Airport will become the second runway airport or runway in Indonesia. With a length of 3,500 meters and a width of 60 meters, the runway length is almost close to Hang Nadim Airport, Batam.

“From the air side, we are very qualified and will become the second airport in Indonesia with the longest runway,” said General Manager of Airport Business Development BIJB, Hernantyo Setiawan at The Jayakarta Hotel, Bandung, Wednesday 31 January 2018.

Up to now, the completion of the BIJB project has reached 85 percent. According to the plan, at the end of February 2018, all the work of BIJB will be completed. “Our target has been able to start operations in June 2018 for its grand launching,” said Hernantyo.

Being the first international airport in West Java, BIJB will also be used for departure and arrival of pilgrims in 2018. “This is in accordance with what has been proclaimed by President Jokowi, who wants Kertjati Airport to be an embarkation for West Java,” he said.

Capacity and Facilities at BIJB

BJIB will have a terminal area of more than 100,000 m2. With this wide terminal area, BIJB can accommodate about 5-11 million passengers per year. But in the future, BIJB will plan to propose terminal expansion up to 200,000 m2. “This does not include the ultimate that will be able to accommodate up to 25 million passengers,” said Hernantyo.

With a runway length exceeding 3,000 meters, some large aircraft such as the A380 and Boeing 777 can take off and landing at Kertajati Airport.

The supporting facilities in BIJB have already been prepared. Later BIJB will become a commercial area consisting of hotel, premium outlet, up to culinary area and other supporting facilities.

“For this year the hotel has been built, BIJB will be a commercial area not only for passengers, but also for the introduction or the visitors,” he said.

The access to BIJB can be reached through Cikampek – Palimanan (Cipali) Toll, followed by non toll access from KM 158. “In the future we will also plan special toll access to Kertajati,” he said.

Author: Martin Jop
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