Breaking News:
Monday, 9 July 2018
JNE and Satgas TNI for UN Work Together to Provide Humanitarian Aid in Sudan

Sometimes ago, JNE, a delivery and logistic service company in Indonesia, work together with the Indonesian National Army (TNI) who are on duty for international peace mission from the United Nation (UN) in Sudan (North Africa), the Task Force of Battalion Composite of the Garuda Contingent Indonesia National Army (Satgas Yon Komposit TNI Konga) XXXV-D/UNAMID (United Nations – African Union Mission in Dafur) distribute humanitarian aid for people in Sudan where they are affected by the conflict so that they are facing nourishment crisis. 

The Indonesian troops give aid to local inhabitants when doing routine Long Range Patrol (LRP) in Gokar Village, El Geneina city, sometime ago. When doing patrol, the Indonesian troops provide helps to the Gokar’s inhabitants through Civilian Military Coordination (CIMIC) program like staple food aid (sembako), Al-Quran, and batik clothes. The aid is given to the Masalit tribe (community), Gokar Village, where the population is around 1500 people. Besides giving helps, the troop also give entertainments to the people like Indonesian marawis performance.

As it is known, on February 2018, according to the UN almost 7 million of Sudanese need  emergency aids like food, water and basic medicines due to the long civil war in the country.

In line with the slogan “connecting happiness”, which is for JNE delivering happiness is the spirit that should be maintained continually, not only giving superfine services to the customers, but they also give beneficial programs for people (CSR) and concerns to people (humanitarian aid).  

JNE hope the aids would be beneficial for the people and the crisis in Sudan would end soon.

Author: Martin Jop
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